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Certificate Program in

Retail Analytics Course

Our Certification Program in Retail Analytics Course will boost your chances of staying ahead in the competition. Acquire the essential skills needed for Analytics, ML and AI.
  • Get Trained by Trainers from ISB, IIT & IIM
  • 16 Hours of Intensive Classroom & Online Sessions
  • 24+ Hours of Practical Assignments
  • 2 Capstone Live Projects
  • 100% Job Placement Assistance
Retail Analytics on Cloud course reviews in Malaysia- 360digitmg
493 Reviews
Retail Analytics on Cloud course reviews in Malaysia- 360digitmg
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Retail Analytics

Retail Analytics course duration in Malaysia - 360digitmg

Total Duration

1 Month

Retail Analytics course pre-requisites in Malaysia- 360digitmg


  • Computer Skills
  • Basic Mathematical Concepts
  • Finance Basics

Overview of Retail Analytics Course

The Retail Analytics course is designed for individuals who want to foster in the Retail Industry. This course helps students to analyze the data and draw valuable insights by which companies will gain a competitive edge. The Retail Analytics course covers important topics that include RSCA process, Sentiment Analysis, Google Analytics, NLP, Recommendation systems, Deep learning concepts, Text Analysis and Behavioral Analytics of customers.

Furthermore, this course helps students to make data-driven decisions and build innovative solutions in the Retail Industry.

Learning Outcomes of Retail Analytics Course

360DigiTMG provides the best training in Retail Analytics with a meticulously framed curriculum. The curriculum of the course introduces and explains in detail all the prominent topics and techniques in the Retail Industry. This course will enlighten on topics like the Introduction of Analytics in Retail, Sentiment Analysis, and many more which helps students to derive insights from the data and build new strategies that help companies to escalate the production and generate revenue.


Understand the RSCA process, Analytical techniques, and Decision-making models
Introduction of IoT and its applications in Retail
Understand different Clustering techniques and their approaches
Learn how to build a basic recommendation engine for any eCommerce portal
Understand the Text Analysis and Sentiment Analysis and its various applications
Understand the concepts of NLP techniques
Learn Deep Learning concepts and CNN to develop AI applications in capturing the customers' purchasing behavior

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Retail Analytics course in Malaysia- 360digitmg

16 hours

Classroom Sessions

Retail Analytics course in Malaysia- 360digitmg

24 hours


Retail Analytics course in Malaysia- 360digitmg

16 hours

Live Projects

Who Should Sign Up?

  • Retail Analysts
  • Business Analysts
  • Data Analysts
  • Risk Managers
  • Certified Financial Analysts
  • Credit Analysts
  • Math, Science and Commerce Graduates

Modules of Retail Analytics Certification Course

The Retail Analytics course offered by 360DigiTMG helps students to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. The course curriculum is designed by industry professionals focusing on prime concepts. From this course, students will learn the applications and possibilities of the Retail and Supply chain and also learn about the applications of IoT. Learn the applications of Segmentation and will be able to build strategies from the segregated data. Students will learn how to build recommendation engines for any e-commerce portal. Learn the concepts of the usage of NodeXL and also learn to generate word clouds to perform sentiment analysis to draw meaningful insights using an R programming language. Students will be introduced to learn about how to use linear regression in understanding increasing paid ads performance. Also, you will learn about the various keywords used in contemporary customer analytics. At the end of this topic, you will learn how to keep your customers engaged with the utmost satisfaction. Learn how to address frequently asked questions with the latest information pulled out from the database. Understand how the context can be addressed using NLP concepts, using voice to text and text to voice models. Learn how machines (computers) see an Image or a Video input using Computer Vision. Process the images and videos using CNN to develop AI applications in capturing the customers' purchasing behaviour. Face recognition systems to identify a repeat customer from a new customer. The curriculum includes real-time projects and numerous assignments which helps the students to understand concepts thoroughly. It helps students to gain in-depth knowledge and required skill sets to grab lucrative jobs in the Retail Industry.

1. Data Science Foundation Module

Get about, CRISP - ML(Q) the perfect Project Management Methodology used for handling Data Mining projects. Understand the entire process flow including Business Problem definition, Data Collection, Data Cleansing, Feature Engineering, Feature Selection, Model Building, Deployment and Maintenance. Get introduced to the principles of big data and learn about the opportunities being created. Understand about how Data is generation and explosion of data, Innovations in the space of analytics. Learn how to distinguish between data types, Exploratory data analysis, the Various moments of Business decisions and various Graphical techniques. Learn about probability and probability distribution namely Z distribution and Student's t-distribution.

Learn about Hypothesis testing, the many Hypothesis testing Statistics, work with the Null Hypothesis & Alternative hypothesis and Types of hypothesis testing. Interpret the results of Hypothesis test and probabilities of Alpha error, understand Type I and Type II errors. Get introduced to Linear regression, various components of Linear regression viz regression line, Linear regression equation, the concept of Ordinary Least Square. Get introduced to Linear regression analysis, and Linear regression examples

Understand the Linear regression in a multivariate scenario, understand collinearity and how to deal with it. Get introduced to the analysis of Attribute Data, understand the principles of Logistic regression, Binary Logistic regression analysis. Learn about the Multiple Logistic regression, Probability measures, and its interpretation. Get clarity on the confusion matrix and its elements. Get introduced to “Cut off value” estimation using AUC and ROC curve, understand False Positive Rate, False Negative Rate, Sensitivity, Specificity. Gain a birds-eye view to various advanced regression techniques and analysis of count data namely Poisson regression, Negative binomial regression. Learn when to use Poisson regression and negative binomial regression for predicting count data.

2. Retail Analytics Module

At the end of this topic, you will learn about the applications & possibilities in the space of Retail & Supply Chain. You will also learn the possibilities of IoT applications in general and in particular in Retail & Supply Chain. Also, the analytics-driven landscape of digital marketing analytics in the space of Retail is explained in detail.

  • Data Generation Sources
  • Typical RSCA Process
  • Data in RSCA
  • Analytical Techniques in RSCA context
  • Data Analytics & Decision-Making Models
  • Promise of Advanced Analytics in Retail
  • Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Applications of IoT in Retail
  • Introduction to Contemporary Analytics

At the end of this topic, you will learn about the applications of Segmentation. You will learn about the techniques used to measure the similarity between the records. Understand how organizing and managing the entities (Products/Customers) will become so much easier and beneficial. You will learn the strategies that can be applied to segregate the data.

  • Introduction to Segmentation/Clustering
  • Clustering Techniques
  • Distance measures to measure Similarity
  • Clustering Approaches
    • Hierarchical Clustering
    • Non-Hierarchical Clustering
  • Linkage Functions
  • Within the Sum of Squares
  • Elbow Curve
  • Choosing the best number of Clusters

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to build a basic recommendation engine for any eCommerce portal. You will be able to appreciate the various strategies involved in building a recommendation engine to make the organization profitable. It will be a blend of theoretical concepts & usage of R programming to accomplish this practically.

  • Introduction to Recommender Systems
  • Traditional Collaborative Filtering
  • Distance measures such as
    • Cosine-based similarity
    • Correlation-based similarity
  • Strategy for Analytics Solution
    • Runtime vs. Quality of recommendation
    • Reducing Computation Burden
  • Search-Based Methods
  • Addressing Cold Start
  • Usage of Dimension Reduction techniques

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to ensure the rack placement, slotting fee, marketing & distribution fee. Increase the purchases by offering bundling fees & the discount strategies will be discussed. How to analytically determine the products getting sold together will help strategize the increase in sales. It will be a blend of theoretical concepts & usage of R programming to accomplish this practically.



  • Introduction to Association Rules
  • Emergence of Data – POS
  • Strategies & Applications of Association Rules
  • Apriori Algorithm
  • Performance Measures
    • Support
    • Confidence
    • Life Ratio
  • Innovative Applications
  • Sequential Pattern Mining

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to effectively use the travel routes by the logistics firms to ensure that the goods are transported faster. How many warehouses should be placed & at what distance & at what locations to be most profitable? Also, this can be extended to the use of social media to improve brand awareness. It will be a blend of theoretical concepts & usage of NodeXL to accomplish this practically.

  • Graph/Network, Vertices/Nodes & Edges/Links
  • Network Characterization
    • Node properties (Degree, Closeness, Eigenvector, Betweenness, Page Rank, Egocentric)
    • Edge properties (How to weigh)
    • Network properties (Path, Shortest path, Diameter, Cluster coefficient)
  • Link Prediction
  • Entity Resolution
  • Fast Greedy
  • Leading Eigenvector

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to deal with unstructured textual data. You will be able to generate word clouds & also perform sentiment analysis to draw meaningful insights. You will be able to perform analysis on social media data (Twitter) by extracting the tweets using R. You will be able to extract topics for performing Natural Language Processing. It will be a blend of theoretical concepts & usage of R to accomplish this practically.

  • Introduction to Text Analysis
    • Tokenization procedures
    • Simple Bag-of-words (BOW) representation
    • Term-Document Matrix structures
    • Basic display aids
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • What and Why
    • Sentiment scoring schemes
    • Tidytext introduction
    • Clustering BOW structures
  • Intro to NLP using OpenNLP
    • Annotations, POS tagging, NER, Chunking, etc.
  • Customizing Chunking – Homebrewed
  • A Quick look at CoreNLP capabilities
  • Latent Semantic Analysis
  • GloVe and Linguistic Regularities
  • Wordnet explorations

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to track the various metrics such as the number of people visiting the website, time spent on each page or product, navigation path followed by user leading to sales. You will learn about how to use linear regression in understanding about increasing paid ads performance. Also, you will learn about the various keywords used in contemporary customer analytics. It will be a blend of theoretical concepts & usage of Google Analytics & R to accomplish this practically.

  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • Install Tracking Tag, Create Views & Adding Filters
  • Understanding Reports, Metric & Dimensions
  • Interact with Graphs
  • Segmentation, Basic Filters
  • Audience Demographics, Reports & Interests
  • Use of Behavior Report & Technology Report
  • Acquisition Reports by Channels, Sources & Mediums
  • Social Report & Network Referrals
  • Measuring Value of Social with Conversions
  • Behavior, Site Content Reports
  • Track Events & Real-time Data
  • Integrate with BigQuery & R
  • Cohort Analysis & Filters
  • Advanced Google Analytics
  • Search Engine Advertising Analytics
  • Sponsored Search Advertising
  • Linear Regression for Enhancing Advertisement Position & thereby Profits
  • Modeling Click-Through Rates

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to keep your customers engaged with the utmost satisfaction. Learn how to address frequently asked questions with the latest information pulled out from the database. You will learn how revenue increases by the application of Chatbots. Understand how the context can be addressed using NLP concepts, using voice to text and text to voice models.

  • Chatbots in Retail
  • Introduction to Conversational Chatbots
  • Building Block of Chatbot: Intents & Entities
  • Taking actions based on Context using NLP
  • Chatbot Deployment

At the end of this topic, you will learn how to keep the unstructured data using Deep Learning concepts. Learn how machines (computers) see an Image or a Video input using Computer Vision. Process the images and videos using CNN to develop AI applications in capturing the customers' purchasing behavior. Face recognition systems to identify a repeat customer from a new customer.

  • Video Analytics for Customer Behavior Analysis in Retail
  • Introduction to unstructured data generated in Retail
  • Processing Videos using Computer Vision & OpenCV
  • Convolution Neural Network & its Architecture
  • Image processing using CNN
  • Filters
  • Feature Maps
  • Pooling Layers
  • Downsampling
Tools Covered
Retail Analytics course using python
Retail Analytics training using r programming
Retail Analytics training using r studio programming
Retail Analytics training with jupyter
How we prepare you
  • Retail Analytics course with placements in Malaysia
    Additional Assignments of over 60+ hours
  • Retail Analytics course with placements training in Malaysia
    Live Free Webinars
  • Retail Analytics training institute with placements in Malaysia
    Resume and LinkedIn Review Sessions
  • Retail Analytics course with certification in Malaysia
    Lifetime LMS Access
  • Retail Analytics certification with USP in Malaysia
    Job Placements in Data Science fields
  • best Retail Analytics course with USP in Malaysia
    Complimentary Courses
  • best Retail Analytics course with USP in Malaysia
    Unlimited Mock Interview and Quiz Session
  • best Retail Analytics training with placements in Malaysia
    Hands-on Experience in Live Projects
  • Retail Analytics course in Malaysia
    Offline Hiring Events

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Retail Analytics Panel of Coaches

Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning Course Training -360digitmg

Bharani Kumar Depuru

  • Areas of expertise: Data analytics, Digital Transformation, Industrial Revolution 4.0
  • Over 18+ years of professional experience
  • Trained over 2,500 professionals from eight countries
  • Corporate clients include Deloitte, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Amazon, Tech Mahindra, Cummins, Accenture, IBM
  • Professional certifications - PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP from Project Management Institute, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Tableau Certified Associate, Certified Scrum Practitioner, (DSDM Atern)
  • Alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad and Indian School of Business
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Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning Course Training -360digitmg

Sharat Chandra Kumar

  • Areas of expertise: Data sciences, Machine learning, Business intelligence and Data
  • Trained over 1,500 professional across 12 countries
  • Worked as a Data scientist for 18+ years across several industry domains
  • Professional certifications: Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belt, Information Technology Infrastructure Library
  • Experienced in Big Data Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, NewSQL, MongoDB, Python, Tableau, Cognos
  • Corporate clients include DuPont, All-Scripts, Girnarsoft (College-, Car-) and many more
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Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning Course Training - 360digitmg

Bhargavi Kandukuri

  • Areas of expertise: Business analytics, Quality management, Data visualisation with Tableau, COBOL, CICS, DB2 and JCL
  • Electronics and communications engineer with over 19+ years of industry experience
  • Senior Tableau developer, with experience in analytics solutions development in domains such as retail, clinical and manufacturing
  • Trained over 750+ professionals across the globe in three years
  • Worked with Infosys Technologies, iGate, Patni Global Solutions as technology analyst
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machine learning on cloud certification - 360digitmg


Get validation of your advanced skills and knowledge with the Retail Analytics certificate. Join the growing community of developers and data scientists trained on Retail.

Alumni Speak

Nur Fatin

"Coming from a psychology background, I was looking for a Data Science certification that can add value to my degree. The 360DigiTMG program has such depth, comprehensiveness, and thoroughness in preparing students that also looks into the applied side of Data Science."

"I'm happy to inform you that after 4 months of enrolling in a Professional Diploma in Full Stack Data Science, I have been offered a position that looks into applied aspects of Data Science and psychology."

Nur Fatin

Associate Data Scientist

Thanujah Muniandy

"360DigiTMG has an outstanding team of educators; who supported and inspired me throughout my Data Science course. Though I came from a statistical background, they've helped me master the programming skills necessary for a Data Science job. The career services team supported my job search and, I received two excellent job offers. This program pushes you to the next level. It is the most rewarding time and money investment I've made-absolutely worth it.”

Thanujah Muniandy

Ann Nee, Wong

"360DigiTMG’s Full Stack Data Science programme equips its graduates with the latest skillset and technology in becoming an industry-ready Data Scientist. Thanks to this programme, I have made a successful transition from a non-IT background into a career in Data Science and Analytics. For those who are still considering, be bold and take the first step into a domain that is filled with growth and opportunities.”

Ann Nee, Wong

Mohd Basri

"360DigiTMG is such a great place to enhance IR 4.0 related skills. The best instructor, online study platform with keen attention to all the details. As a non-IT background student, I am happy to have a helpful team to assist me through the course until I have completed it.”

Mohd Basri

Ashner Novilla

"I think the Full Stack Data Science Course overall was great. It helped me formalize and think more deeply about ways to tackle the projects from a Data Science perspective. Also, I was remarkably impressed with the instructors, specifically their ability to make complicated concepts seem very simple."

"The instructors from 360DigiTMG were great and it showed how they engaged with all the students even in a virtual setting. Additionally, all of them are willing to help students even if they are falling behind. Overall, a great class with great instructors. I will recommend this to upcoming deal professionals going forward.”

Ashner Novilla


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Our Alumni

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FAQs on Retail Analytics Certification

No, one does not need any specific qualification but a background in math or programming will come in handy.

Yes, you will receive a completion certificate from 360DigiTMG and it holds immense value in the market.

Yes, we have our own LMS called AISPRY, it has all the valuable learning material accessible to our students at any time.

Yes, to ensure the concepts are crystal clear to the students we have individual as well as group assignments under the guidance of a mentor who helps students at every stage of the project.

Yes, we have the provision of easy monthly installments where can have to pay a fixed amount every month.

Yes, we provide 100% job assistance and also help you with your resume building and conduct several mock sessions for interview preparations.

Yes, we have both classroom and online classes to facilitate the needs of students as well as working professionals.

Jobs in the field of Retail Analytics in Malaysia

Jobs in the field of Retail Analytics

The job roles include Retail Analyst, Business Analyst, Quality Analyst( Retail), Senior Business Analyst, Data Analyst (Retail), and so on.

Retail Analytics in Malaysia for Retail Analytics

Salaries of a Retail Analyst

Retail Analytics Course Projects in Malaysia

Projects in Retail Analytics

Many ongoing projects are being carried out with Retail Analytics tools that include Price Optimisation, Powering augmented reality, Customer sentiment Analysis, Inventory management, and many more.

Role of Open Source Tools in Retail Analytics Course in Malaysia

Role of Open Source Tools in Retail Analytics

R and Tableau are the most important programming tools to gain in-depth knowledge in Retail Analytics. Many strategies are built leveraging these tools.

Modes of Training for Retail Analytics course with Python in Malaysia

Modes of Training for Retail Analytics

360DigiTMG offers training in both modes. Classroom sessions and online interactive sessions with flexible timings. A dedicated team of mentors will guide the students throughout their learning journey.

Industry Application of Retail Analytics Course in Malaysia

Industry Application of Retail Analytics

Every sector relies on the applications of Retail Analytics for its growth and to stay ahead of the curve. Industries like Banking, Textiles, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Software companies and many more adapt Retail Analytics.

Companies That Trust Us

360DigiTMG offers customised corporate training programmes that suit the industry-specific needs of each company. Engage with us to design continuous learning programmes and skill development roadmaps for your employees. Together, let’s create a future-ready workforce that will enhance the competitiveness of your business.


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360DigiTMG - Data Science, IR 4.0, AI, Machine Learning Training in Malaysia

Level 16, 1 Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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