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Practical Data Scientist Online Program

Become a Practical Data Scientist and learn Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, and many more.
  • Get Trained by Trainers from ISB, IIT & IIM
  • 130 Hours of Intensive Classroom & Online Sessions
  • 2 Capstone Live Projects
  • Receive Certificate from Technology Leader - IBM
  • Job Placement Assistance
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485 Reviews
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2064 Learners
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"With hundreds of companies hiring for the role of Data Scientist, 12 million new jobs will be created in the field of Data Science by the year 2026." - (Source). Data is Multiplying at an astonishing rate and we have more and more data coming in all the time. Data is collected to improve decisions about some aspect of business, government, and society. Data Science turns this data into valuable insights through quantitative analysis and powers business value. A few years ago, if a person had the knowledge of various algorithms and how the algorithms work, that would have been sufficient to get a job as a data scientist. But, as the market has matured, hiring managers and companies across the domains are focusing on bringing data scientists with knowledge of delivering models in production. A certification in Practical Data Science will open doors to unlimited opportunities making you the modern superhero who can tease actionable insights out of gigabytes of data.

Practical Data Scientist

data science online course duration - 360digitmg

Total Duration

4 Months

data science online course pre-requisites- 360digitmg


  • Computer Skills
  • Basic Mathematical Concepts
  • Analytical Mindset

Practical Data Scientist Program Overview

Build Data Pipeline and Data Architecture in alignment with Business Objectives Deploying Model on Cloud with Auto ML for auto up-gradation of models.

Deploying Model in Distributed Environment using Big Data and Develop an end to end product through the Front end, Middleware & Back end systems.

Practical Data Science Program focuses more on developing an end to end data science solution on one of the cloud environments (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.) as well as on-premise systems. The data science market has matured over the past few years where the focus was on algorithm development and research but is now slowly maturing into delivering data science solutions that are production-ready. Learn how to build data science products at scale leveraging distributed computing capabilities. This course aims to create data scientists with a set of skills that would accomplish that goal and deliver production-ready models. Additionally, also learn how to strike a balance between business objectives, performance, and accuracy. As such it will be an interdisciplinary course that varies from learning about algorithms, model development, software engineering, version control, and continuous integration/ continuous development (CI/CD) pipelines.

What is Practical Data Science?

Data Science is the learning and practice of extracting meaningful information, knowledge, and insight from huge amounts of data and providing for better decision making and problem-solving techniques. It includes having expertise in computation, statistics, analytics, data mining, data modeling, data visualization, and programming. A data scientist facilitates collecting, compiling, interpreting, modeling, formatting, manipulating, and drawing predictions from massive amounts of data.

Practical Data Scientist Learning Outcomes

This Practical Data Science course aims to provide a practical introduction to data science analysis which includes the collection of data and its visualization and presentation along with statistical model building using machine learning and using various techniques to scale these methods. This course would also include using a variety of machine learning methods like linear and non-linear regression, classification, unsupervised learning, boosting, clustering, neural nets, and deep learning, etc. As the name suggests students will be exposed to the practical aspects of data science using the above techniques. Students will also explore to diagnose problems with data science pipelines and also delve into the critical issue of converting business problem statements into data problems. Students will be able to perform independent statistical data analysis on real data sets and develop skills to query common data stores using SQL, Python Pandas, Hadoop, and Spark. Join this Practical Data Science course which will demonstrate your capabilities and potential of being a complete professional in the field of Data Science with comprehensive knowledge of its fundamentals. You will also

Learn how to analyze a business problem and convert it into a data science problem
Learn about the various database sources - structured (MySQL) and unstructured (MongoDB) including cloud based services
Gain skills to query common data stores using SQL, Python Pandas, Hadoop and Spark
Learn how to work with distributed framework and run models on cluster environment (PySpark)
Build models using the CRISP-DM methodology
Deploy fully containerized using Docker models into production on the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure) and on-premise systems

Block Your Time

data science course - 360digitmg

130 hours

Classroom Sessions

data science course - 360digitmg

140 hours


data science course - 360digitmg

140 hours

2 Live Projects

Who Should Sign Up?

  • IT Engineers
  • Data and Analytics Manager
  • Business Analysts
  • Data Engineers
  • Banking and Finance Analysts
  • Marketing Managers
  • Supply Chain Professionals
  • HR Managers
  • Math, Science and Commerce Graduates

Modules for Practical Data Scientist Course

This module on Practical Data Science is designed to achieve practical results in Data Science. This is where you will learn to visualize, analyze, and model data. This training will equip you with the most in-demand career skills from various industries like banking, healthcare, and tech startups. The modules introduce you to Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistics, Analytics, Python, and help you develop skills that are needed to demystify the data around you. You will also be able to demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts of analytics and automation. You will be able to create sophisticated statistical models using advanced skills in Python, Data Analysis, and Machine Learning. So, don’t wait too long to add Data Science credentials and join this course in Practical Data Science and let your tech career power the greatest technologies today.

The goal of this module is to introduce the basic framework of data science called Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). Learners will understand the philosophy behind the data science framework. In addition to that, this module will also delve into the critical issue of converting business problem statements into data problems.

This module introduces some of the modern tools and techniques of software development such as version control using Git. It would also be helpful to have an understanding of the Agile processes in a Data Science project.

  • Local
    • Identify the programming language (Python, R, Julia etc)
    • Evaluate the IDEs (Jupyter, PyCharm, RStudio, VSCode etc)
    • Version Control using Git (optional)
    • Setting up codebase in Bitbucket (or Github)
    • Introduction to REST APIs
  • Cloud

    In this module gain immense knowledge of Cloud Computing and disadvantages of on-premise infrastructure, Deploying a Machine Learning Model end to end on the cloud using Amazon Web Services like Cloud Formation, Lambda, S3 and Machine Learning Services used in various Projects.

    • Create an AWS Account

      One need to understand cloud computing and essential concepts of Cloud Computing - Cloud Deployment Models, Cloud Service Models. Get an overview of AWS Global Infrastructure, Regions and Availability Zones

    • Setup your IAM Role

      Understanding the security features of AWS through IAM service through Users, Groups Roles and Policies

    • Create an S3 bucket (storage)

      Learn how to use storage services in AWS through S3, Creation of a Bucket, Advantages of S3, Properties of S3, Storage Classes. Connecting S3 to another AWS service, Building a Data Lake using S3.

    • Create a SageMaker instance

      Gain Broad idea about Machine Learning on Cloud, Sage Maker as a Service, Various sub services under Sage Maker, Creation of Sage Maker Notebook Instance, working with Jupyter Notebook instance, Overview of Sage Maker Studio, Building a Model in Jupyter, Deployment of the Final Model

    • Amazon Kinesis Data Stream and Firehose

      To Learn collect process and stream large streaming data, Firehose which helps to deliver the data into S3

    • Cloud Formation

      Deploy Quickly your required AWS services using Cloud Formation

    • Amazon API Gateway

      Understanding API and applicability of the Amazon API Gateway Service to deal with Creating, Maintaining, Monitoring and Securing APIs.

SQL, NoSQL, NewSQL, Cloud Storage This module introduces the databases that typically exist in the business environment. Traditional (Structured data) databases like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2, etc, and the query language (SQL). We also get used to the NoSQL databases (Unstructured data) like HBase, MongodB, Cassandra, CouchDB, etc. Understand the architecture and design of the new age databases capable of handling new age data requirements based on consistency, availability and partition tolerance.

  • Data Models/Formats
    • Structured Data
    • Semi Structured Data
    • Unstructured Data
  • Data File Formats
    • Text/CSV
    • JSON
    • Sequence Files
    • AVRO Files
    • Parquet
    • RC Files
    • ORC file format
  • Types of Databases
    • SQL (MySQL / Amazon RDS)
    • NoSQL & NewSQL
      • key-value store (Redis)
      • Document store (MongoDB)
      • Column-oriented (HBase)
      • Graph (Neo4j)
    • Cloud Storage (DynamoDB / S3)

This module will get the users up to speed on the programming requirements of being a Data Scientist. Python is emerging as the language of choice for Data Scientists but interested candidates can also choose to opt for R language. In the Python programming track, Object oriented programming concepts are introduced as well.

  • Course Introduction and Python installation/setup environment
  • Basic Python Concepts
    • Printing
    • Strings
    • Data types
    • Numeric Operators
    • Slicing and Dicing
    • String Operators
  • Flow Control
    • If, elif and else operators
    • Conditional Operators
    • While loops
    • For loops
    • Break, nested loops
  • Tuples, Ranges and Lists
    • SQL (MySQL / Amazon RDS)
    • NoSQL & NewSQL
      • key-value store (Redis)
      • Document store (MongoDB)
      • Column-oriented (HBase)
      • Graph (Neo4j)
    • Dictionaries and Sets
      • Operations on Dictionaries
      • Sets Operations
    • Input and Output in Python
      • Reading and Writing text files
      • Pickling (Serialization) files
      • Understanding Shelve (Data storage persistence)
    • Using Databases in Python
      • Introduction to Databases and Terminology
      • Installation of Sqlite3
      • Querying data using SQLite
      • Joins, Complex joins
      • Exception handling
      • Working with NoSQL and NewSQL databases
    • Object Oriented Programming using Python
      • OOP concepts - classes
      • Instances, Constructors and more
      • Methods
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Composition
      • Aggregation
      • Decorators

This module begins to set up the groundwork for the core skills of being a Data Scientist by introducing the learning to basic statistics. We will discuss probability distributions, descriptive and inferential statistics.

  • Data types
    • Continuous, Discrete, Categorical, Count
    • ominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio
  • Introduction to Probability
    • Random variable
    • Probability and Probability Distribution Function
    • Balanced vs Imbalanced datasets
    • Sampling techniques for handling imbalanced data
    • Sampling Funnel - population, sampling frame, simple random sample
  • Introduction to statistical concepts
    • Expected value of a probability distribution
    • 1st moment - measure of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
    • 2nd moment - measure of dispersion (Variation, Standard Deviation, Range)
    • 3rd moment - Skewness
    • 4th moment - Kurtosis
  • Graphical tools for statistical analysis
    • Bar plot
    • Histogram
    • Box Plot
    • Scatter plot
  • Normal Distribution
    • Introduction
    • Standard normal distribution or Z distribution
    • Z scores and Z table
    • QQ plot and QQ table
  • Advanced statistical techniques
    • Sampling variation
    • Central limit theorem
    • Sample size calculator
    • T-distribution and student’s T-distribution
    • Confidence interval

After gaining a basic introduction to statistics, this module will introduce Hypothesis testing and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and other useful statistical concepts.

  • Parametric vs Non-Parametric tests
  • Formulating a hypothesis
  • Choosing Null and Alternative Hypotheses
  • Type I and Type II errors
  • Comparison of sample proportions using hypothesis testing
  • 2 sample t-test
  • 1 sample t-test
  • 1 sample z-test
  • 2 proportion test
  • Chi-square test
  • Non-parametric test
  • Simple Linear regression
    • Correlation analysis
    • Correlation coefficient
    • Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression
    • Split data into train, test and validation sets
    • Overfitting (Variance) vs Underfitting (Bias) trade-off ratio
    • Generalization error and regularization techniques
    • Heteroscedasticity
  • Multiple regression
    • LINE assumption
    • Collinearity (Variation Inflation Factor, VIF)
    • Normality
    • Model quality metrics
    • Deletion Diagnostics
    • Logistic regression
      • Types of logistic regression
      • Assumptions and Steps of logistic regression
      • Multiple Logistic regression
        • Confusion matrix
        • Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) Curve
        • Lift charts and gain charts
      • Discrete probability distribution
        • Binomial distribution
        • Negative binomial distribution
        • Poisson regression
      • Advanced Regression
        • Poisson regression
        • Poisson regression with offset
        • Negative binomial regression
        • Zero inflated models
      • Multinomial regression
        • Logit and log likelihood
        • Category baselining
        • Modeling nominal categorical data
        • Lasso and Ridge regression

This module is one of the most interesting, laborious and creative parts of the total model development process. It deals with understanding the data, visualizing it to find correlations and begins the process of getting the data ready for use by various machine learning algorithms.

  • Importance of visualization
    • Principles of visualization
    • Tufte’s graphical integrity rule
    • Tufte’s principles of analytical design
  • Basic visualization techniques
    • Scatter plot
    • Area plots
    • Histograms
    • Bar charts
  • Specialized visualization techniques
    • Pie charts
    • Box plots
    • Bubble plots
  • Advanced visualization techniques
    • Waffle charts
    • Word clouds
    • Heatmaps
  • Visualizing geospatial data
    • Introduction to Folium
    • Maps and markers
    • Choropleths

This module is an important part of the data science lifecycle because it determines how features can be extracted from the dataset to maximize the output from machine learning algorithms.

  • Data cleansing
    • Handling missing and null values
    • Imputation techniques
    • Handling duplicates
    • Outlier analysis
  • Feature selection
    • Correlation analysis
    • Using Lasso and Ridge regression
  • Feature transformation
    • Log transformation
    • Scaling
    • Binning
    • Categorization
    • Handling date time fields
  • Dummy variables
  • Encoding
    • One hot encoding
    • Label encoding

This module introduces the popular machine learning algorithms that are used by data scientists for model development. Since this is a vast subject, we focus on just using a few examples of each paradigm of machine learning (supervised, unsupervised etc)

  • Unsupervised
    • Clustering (k-Means, Hierarchical Clustering)
    • Segmentation
    • Principal Component Analysis
  • Supervised
    • Decision Tree
    • Bagging and Boosting
    • Random Forest Model
    • Support Vector Machines
    • kNN
    • Gradient Boosting
    • eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBOOST)
    • Ensemble Techniques

This module is a course in and of itself, but for the purposes of this course, we will review at a high level some of the most popular deep learning frameworks using Tensorflow, Keras and PyTorch.

  • Multilayer Perceptron
  • Backpropagation and Feedforward Architectures
  • ANN parameters
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Autoencoders
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
  • Long Short Term Networks (LSTMs)
  • Regularization Techniques
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Understanding how to retrieve data from various data sources.
  • Learn to extract the structured or unstructured data from various data sources to perform batch and real time processing.
  • Learn the different best practices for processing data extracted from cloud platforms and on premise data sources. Understand the pros and cons of ingestion tools
  • Sqoop: SQL to Hadoop (vice versa)
  • Flume: Ingestion of log data
  • Storm: Continuous stream data converted into batch data
  • Kafka Cluster: Real time Data Ingestion (Streaming Data)
    • Producer
    • Consumer
    • Streams
    • Connector
  • Spark Streaming - Near real time data processing from IoT devices
    • Spark Streaming Context
    • Spark window (Time Interval for collecting batch of Data)

Finally, we develop and evaluate a model. This will usually be an iterative process, where multiple models are developed and tested for effectiveness. Model evaluation techniques are introduced and the best practices are outlined.

This module describes the CI/CD pipeline to deploy models in the cloud environment using Jenkins (AWS/GCP).

  • Creates a fully managed build service that compiles source code
  • Checks for any new changes on GitHub every two minutes
  • Zips the files and sends them to a predefined Amazon S3 bucket
  • IAM S3 bucket policy - Allows the Jenkin server access to the S3 bucket
  • S3 policy enables the HTTP request plugin of Jenkins server to access the S3 bucket


Brief introduction to

  • S3
  • Lamda
  • Batch
  • EC2
  • SageMaker
  • EMR - Distributed Computing
  • EKS
  • ECR
  • IAM
  • CloudFormation

Using all the above services, build an end to end machine learning pipeline that runs in a fully managed production environment.

Finally, this module wraps up the course by describing the best practices on how to effectively monitor the models in production and when to retrain them.

  • Amazon SageMaker model monitor enables us to capture the input, output and metadata for the invocations of the models that we deploy.
  • We can use it to analyze the data and monitor its quality. With S3 for data storage.
  • Amazon SageMaker makes it easy to efficiently extract and analyze the data.
  • It detects when the performance of a model running in production begins to deviate from the original trained model.
  • Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor alerts developers when drift is detected and helps them visually identify the root cause.

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Tools Covered
practical data science course using python
practical data science course using r programming
practical data science course using r studio programming
How We Prepare You
  • practical data science course with placements
    Additional Assignments of over 140+ hours
  • practical data science course with placements training
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  • practical data science training institute with placements
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    Lifetime LMS Access
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    Job Placements in Practical Data Science Fields
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    Complimentary Courses
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    Unlimited Mock Interview and Quiz Session
  • best practical data science training with placements
    Hands-on Experience in Live Projects
  • practical data science course
    Life Time Free Access to Industry Webinars

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Earn a certificate and demonstrate your commitment to the profession. Use it to distinguish yourself in the job market, get recognised at the workplace and boost your confidence. The Practical Data Scientist Certificate is your passport to an accelerated career path.

Alumni Speak

Pavan Satya

"The training was organised properly, and our instructor was extremely conceptually sound. I enjoyed the interview preparation, and 360DigiTMG is to credit for my successful placement.”

Pavan Satya

Senior Software Engineer

Chetan Reddy

"Although data sciences is a complex field, the course made it seem quite straightforward to me. This course's readings and tests were fantastic. This teacher was really beneficial. This university offers a wealth of information."

Chetan Reddy

Data Scientist

Santosh Kumar

"The course's material and infrastructure are reliable. The majority of the time, they keep an eye on us. They actually assisted me in getting a job. I appreciated their help with placement. Excellent institution.”

Santosh Kumar

Business Intelligence Analyst

Kadar Nagole

"Numerous advantages of the course. Thank you especially to my mentors. It feels wonderful to finally get to work.”

Kadar Nagole

Data Scientist

Gowtham R

"Excellent team and a good atmosphere. They truly did lead the way for me right away. My mentors are wonderful. The training materials are top-notch.”

Gowtham R

Data Engineer

Wan Muhamad Taufik

"The instructors improved the sessions' interactivity and communicated well. The course has been fantastic.”

Wan Muhamad Taufik

Associate Data Scientist

Venu Panjarla

"The instructors went above and beyond to allay our fears. They assigned us an enormous amount of work, including one very difficult live project. great location for studying.”

Venu Panjarla

AVP Technology


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FAQs for Practical Data Scientist

The data science profession has given rise to a multitude of sub-domains although most of the responsibilities overlap there are subtle and pertinent differences in each of the roles. See below for a short description of what each of the roles represents. Please be wary that depending on the organizational structure and the industry, the roles may have different meaning but this should serve as a basic guideline.


A Data Analyst is tasked with Data Cleansing, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Data Visualization, among other functions. These responsibilities pertain more to the use and analysis of historical data for understanding the current state. So simply put, a Data Analyst can answer the question ‘what happened?’


A Data Scientist on the other hand will go beyond a traditional analyst and build models and algorithms to solve business problems using statistical tools such as Python, R, Spark, Cloud technologies, Tableau etc. The data scientist has an understanding of ‘what happened’ but will typically go a bit further to answer ‘how we can prevent/predict that from happening?’


A Data Engineer is the messenger that carries or moves data around. He is responsible for the data ingestion process, building data pipelines to make it flow seamlessly across source, target systems and also responsible for building the CI/CD (continuous integration, continuous development) pipelines.


A Data Architect has a much broader role that involves establishing the hardware and software infrastructure needed for an organization to perform Data Analysis. They help in selecting the right database, servers, network architecture, GPUs, cores, memory, hard disk etc.

There is a huge disparity in how these terms are used, sometimes DS, DA and BA are used interchangeably. Although, the gap is narrowing now, BA is strictly dealing with advanced analytics but DS is more about bringing predictive power using machine learning techniques. One thing is clear, Data Modelling typically means designing the scheman etc. Though there are no hard rules that distinguish one from another, you should get the role descriptions clarified before you join an organization.

The US market is currently going through an unprecedented economy and the job growth has also been the best in recent times. Multiple reputed sources are documenting the acute shortage of data science professionals. Our program aims to address this by preparing the candidates not only by providing theoretical concepts, but helping them learn by doing. You will also greatly benefit from doing a Live project through Innodatatics, a leading Data Analytics company which will prepare you in dealing with implementing a data science project end-to-end.

It has been well documented that there is a startling shortage of data science professionals worldwide and for the US market in particular. Now the onus is on you, the candidate and if you can demonstrate strong knowledge of Data Science concepts and algorithms, then there is a high chance for you to be able to make a career in this profession.


To help you achieve that 360DigiTMG provides internship opportunities through Innodatatics, our USA-based consulting partner, for deserving participants to help them gain real-life experience. You will be involved in executing a project end to end and this will help you with gaining the job training to help you in this career path.

There are numerous jobs available for data science professionals. Once you finish the training, assignments and the live projects successfully, we will circulate your resume to the organizations with whom we have formal agreements on job placements. We also conduct regular webinars to help you with your resume and job interviews. We cover all aspects of post-training activities that are required to get a successful placement.

After every classroom session, you will receive assignments through the online Learning Management System. Our LMS is a state-of-the-art system which facilitates learning at your convenience. We do impose a strict condition – you will need need to complete the assignments in order to obtain your data scientist certificate.

Since this course is a blended program, you will be exposed to a total of 80 hours of instructor-led live training. On top of that you will also be given assignments which could have a total duration running into 60-80 hours. In addition to this, you will be working on a live project for a month. All of our assignments are carried out online and the datasets, code, recorded videos are all accessed via our LMS.

We understand that despite our best efforts, sometimes life happens. In such scenarios you can access all of the course videos in the LMS.

Each student is assigned a mentor during the course of this program. If the mentor determines additional support is needed to help the student, we may refer you to another trainer or mentor.

Each student is assigned a mentor during the course of this program. If the mentor determines additional support is needed to help the student, we may refer you to another trainer or mentor.

Jobs in the field of Practical Data Scientist Program in USA

Jobs in the Field of Practical Data Scientist Program in USA.

If you are interested in making discoveries and learning new things then this is the field for you as every role in data science presents itself with new challenges, You can work as a Data Scientist, Data Analyst/Business Analyst, Data Engineer, Big Data Manager or a Machine Learning Engineer.

Salaries in USA for Practical Data Scientist Program

Salaries in USA for Practical Data Scientist Program

Data Scientist is a professional who has a versatile skill set to unravel the world of Big Data. The salary of a data scientist in the USA depends on many variables like experience, skillset, and location. The average salary of a data scientist in the USA is $95,470 per year.

Practical Data Scientist Program Projects in USA

Practical Data Scientist Program Projects in USA

Projects are a great way to understand the key areas where one needs to improve and upscale their skills in and find a way forward. The projects you can take up include converting any image into a 3D photo, face recognition project, object detection project, or analysis of a soccer game.

Role of Open Source Tools in Practical Data Scientist Program in USA

Role of Open Source Tools in Practical Data Scientist Program

Open source tools are rising in popularity as these tools aid in the development of complex processing and assist in analyzing large data sets and also provide accessible data manipulation and graphing along with the visualization of data.

Modes of Training for Practical Data Scientist Program on in USA

Modes of Training for Practical Data Scientist Program

The course in the USA is designed to suit the needs of students as well as working professionals. We at 360DigiTMG give our students the option of both classroom and online learning. We also support e-learning as part of our curriculum.

Industry Application of Practical Data Scientist Program in USA

Industry Applications of Practical Data Scientist Program

Data science is fuel for many industries across various sectors like banking, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, transport, e-commerce, fraud and risk detection, internet search, airline route planning, advanced image and speech recognition, etc.

Companies That Trust Us

360DigiTMG offers customised corporate training programmes that suit the industry-specific needs of each company. Engage with us to design continuous learning programmes and skill development roadmaps for your employees. Together, let’s create a future-ready workforce that will enhance the competitiveness of your business.


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