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Professional Certification in

Business Analytics in USA

Leverage the power of business analytics and statistics in your career. Master Tableau for comprehensive Data Visualization for your business needs.
  • 148 Hours of Intensive Live Online Sessions
  • 16 Hour of Self-paced R program videos
  • 16 Hour of Self-paced Excel with ChatGPT videos
  • Job Placement Assistance
business analytics course review in USA - 360digitmg
513 Reviews
business analytics course review in USA - 360digitmg
3152 Learners
Academic Partners & International Accreditations
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  • Business Analytics Certification Course with NEF

"The demand for Business analysts will uptick by 15% till 2026 as companies improve efficiency and control costs." - (Source). The United States of America has long been the bastion of technological advancements and leading the way in Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. According to Deloitte’s Analytics team, business analytics is becoming mainstream but it still has a long way to go. While the paper lists a variety of reasons for that, the skills shortage is also mentioned as one among them. The opportunities for this field are not even at full potential and yet there are concerns that there is a skills gap – this sheds light on the huge requirement for analytics professionals when business analytics becomes even more mainstream. Business analytics has aided in understanding the way business works and has decreased the chances of making poor investment decisions. Hence, the time is ripe for all professionals in the USA who want to pursue a career in analytics to join this course in Business Analytics and get accustomed to this exciting field and reap the benefits well into the future!

Business Analytics

business analytics course duration

Total Duration

3 Months

business analytics course pre-requisites


  • Computer Skills
  • Basic Mathematical Concepts
  • Analytical Mindset

Business Analytics Certification Course Overview

Harness the power data with advanced analytics and statistical tools in your current profession with our Professional Certification in Business Analytics. Develop and deploy Machine Learning powered predictive analytics to make data-driven business decisions. Additionally, gain mastery of Tableau to create powerfully insightful visualizations to story-tell your business needs.

The Professional Certification in Business Analytics is a foundation course for entry-level and seasoned professionals alike who want to imbibe cutting edge data skills in their current (or prospective) industry domain or function area. This course will help you become a Business Intelligence and Data Visualization expert and surge ahead in your career. The Business Analytics certification course covers all the essential Analytical and Statistical techniques for effective business decision - making. In addition to that, the course also introduces participants to basic python language concepts.

Define Business Analytics?

The goal of business analytics is to collate, sort, process, and study business data. It is the process that uses statistical models to convert data into business insights. It also aims at determining which datasets are going to be useful in solving problems and recommending actions to maximize ideal outcomes in areas of efficiency, productivity, and revenue. To accurately predict future events and market trends they use statistics, information systems, computer science, artificial intelligence, and deep learning to understand complex data sets and identify patterns. It then recommends strategies that can drive consumers toward a desired intention.

Business Analytics Training Learning Outcomes

The end goal of every business is to Enhance product value for complete customer satisfaction. This course in Business Analytics aims at preparing candidates for the demands of the global business environment. Decision making plays a critical role in making or breaking a company’s goals and analytics gives the power to make accurate decisions faster and more efficiently and could leverage businesses. Analytics also provides clearer insights through Data Visualization using comprehensive charts and graphs that help in extracting relevant and useful insights from data in a much clearer way. In this course, students will learn the skills of collecting data, mining data, performing Text Mining to generate customer sentiment analysis, and explore the various analytics tools and techniques including descriptive and predictive analytics. Students will acquire skills needed to analyze and evaluate appropriate business strategies used for promoting a new or existing product or service by integrating marketing concepts, and strategies. They will also learn to create a business report communicating the various practices and theories involved in incorporating principles of marketing, economics, accounting, operations management, and finance. With this course acquire new skills and fast track your career in Business Analytics. You will also learn to

Work with various data generation sources
Perform Text Mining to generate Customer Sentiment Analysis
Understand how to use various analytics tools and techniques
Develop an understanding of descriptive and predictive analytics
Apply data-driven, Machine Learning approaches for business decisions
Build prediction models for day-to-day applicability
Perform forecasting to take proactive business decisions
Use Data Visualization concepts to represent data for easy understanding
Create business reports, dashboards, stories, maps etc. to draw meaningful business insights

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148 hours

Live Online Sessions

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16 hours

R program videos

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16 hours

Excel with ChatGPT videos

Who Should Sign Up?

  • IT Engineers
  • Data and Analytics Manager
  • Business Analysts
  • Data Engineers
  • Banking and Finance Analysts
  • Marketing Managers
  • Supply Chain Professionals
  • HR Managers
  • Math, Science and Commerce Graduates

Business Analytics Course Modules

This course is designed to empower you with essential techniques, tools, and skills you will need to excel in this field. The aim of this module is to build your understanding and capabilities in designing, structuring, and analyzing data. The module on business analytics will cover Hypothesis testing, Linear regression, Black Box techniques, Data Mining and many more to demonstrate familiarity with analytical tools. Learn various Hypothesis Tests to solve business problems. Using a simple mathematical formula, the equation of a line, you can predict an outcome. Understand the art of improvising the results of Prediction Models. Understand the different regression techniques, like Logistic Regression and Poisson Regression, etc. used for discrete data.

1. Python
  • Introduction to Python Programming
  • Installation of Python & Associated Packages
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Installation of Anaconda Python
  • Setting Up Python Environment
  • Data Types
  • Operators in Python
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Relational operators
    • Logical operators
    • Assignment operators
    • Bitwise operators
    • Membership operators
    • Identity operators
  • Data structures
    • Vectors
    • Matrix
    • Arrays
    • Lists
    • Tuple
    • Sets
    • String Representation
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Boolean Values
    • Dictionary
  • Conditional Statements
    • if statement
    • if - else statement
    • if - elif statement
    • Nest if-else
    • Multiple if
    • Switch
  • Loops
    • While loop
    • For loop
    • Range()
    • Iterator and generator Introduction
    • For – else
    • Break
  • Functions
    • Purpose of a function
    • Defining a function
    • Calling a function
    • Function parameter passing
      • Formal arguments
      • Actual arguments
      • Positional arguments
      • Keyword arguments
      • Variable arguments
      • Variable keyword arguments
      • Use-Case *args, **kwargs
  • Function call stack
    • Locals()
    • Globals()
  • Stackframe
  • Modules
    • Python Code Files
    • Importing functions from another file
    • __name__: Preventing unwanted code execution
    • Importing from a folder
    • Folders Vs Packages
    • Namespace
    • __all__
    • Import *
    • Recursive imports
  • File Handling
  • Exception Handling
  • Regular expressions
  • Oops concepts
  • Classes and Objects
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Multi-Threading
  • List Comprehensions
    • List comprehension
    • Dictionary comprehension
    • Enumerate
    • Zip and unzip
  • Generator Expressions
  • Tuples – Nested, Names, Unpacking
  • Splitting – Slicing Objects, Ellipsis
  • Augmented Assignments with Sequences
  • Build-in Sort Functions
  • Ordered Sequences with Bisect
  • Arrays, Memory Views, Deques
  • Handling Missing Keys
  • Set Theory, Variations, Operations
  • Higher-Order Functions
  • Function Annotations
  • Functional Programming Packages
    • Procedural vs Functional
    • Pure functions
    • Map()
    • Reduce()
    • Filter()
    • Lambdas
  • Loop vs Comprehension vs Map
  • Identify, Equality & References
  • MySQL db Module
  • INSERT, READ, DELETE, UPDATE, COMMIT, ROLLBACK operations on SQL using Python
  • Python Packages
    • Pandas – Series, Dataframes
    • Numpy – Arrays, Memory, Matrices, Broadcasting, Masked Arrays
    • Scipy
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
    • Sklearn (Scikit Learn)
    • Statsmodels
  • Jupyter Notebooks, IPython Notebooks
  • Data Collection using CSV, JSON, XML, HTML & Scrapping
  • Data Wrangling
    • Understanding
    • Filtering
    • Typecasting
    • Transformations & Normalization
    • Imputation
    • Handling Duplicates & Categorical Data
  • Data Summarization
  • Data Visualizations using Python Packages
    • Line Chart
    • Bar Chart
    • Histogram
    • Pie Charts
    • Box Plots
    • Scatter Plots
    • Figures & Subplots
    • Additional Visualization Packages – bokeh, ggplot, plotly
  • Python XML and JSON parsers
  • Basic Images Processing using Python OpenCV
  • Dates and Times
  • Binary Data
  • Pythonic Programming
  • Exception Handling
    • Purpose of Exception Handling
    • Try block
    • Except block
    • Else block
    • Finally block
    • Built-in exceptions
    • Order of ‘except’ statements
    • Exception - mother of all exceptions
    • Writing Custom exceptions
    • Stack Unwinding
  • Enhancing Classes
  • Metaprogramming
  • Developer Tools
  • Unit Testing with PyTest
  • Multi-Threading
    • Program Memory Layout
    • Concurrency
    • Parallelism
    • Process
    • Thread of execution
    • Creating a thread
    • Joining a thread
    • Critical section
    • Locks
  • PyQt
  • Network Programming
  • Scripting for System Administration
  • Serializing
  • Advanced-Data Handling
  • Implementing Concurrency
    • Asynchronous programming
    • The asyncio framework
    • Reactive programming
  • Parallel Processing
    • Introduction to parallel programming
    • Using multiple processes
    • Parallel Cython with OpenMP
    • Automatic parallelism
  • Introduction to Concurrent and Parallel Programming
    • Technical requirements
    • What is concurrency?
    • Not everything should be made concurrent
    • The history, present, and future of concurrency
    • A brief overview of mastering concurrency in Python
    • Setting up your Python environment
  • Django with REST Webservices
    • Client-Server architecture
    • Web Application
    • Web framework
    • Installing Django modules
    • Creating first basic Django
    • Creating Model classes
    • Django Template tags and template programming
    • Django rest framework
    • Understanding REST Architecture
    • JSON serialization
    • Writing REST API
  • Web Extraction
    • Beautiful Soup
    • Selenium
  • Serialization pickling, XML & JSON
    • Introduction to Serialization
    • Structure and Container
    • Pickle Module
    • pickling built-in data structures
    • byte strings
    • binary
    • xml parsing and construction - xml
    • json parsing and construction - json, simplejson
  • Logging
    • Purpose of logging
    • Logging levels
    • Types of logging
    • Logging format
    • Logging Handlers
    • Disadvantages of excessive logging
    • Custom loggers
2. Introduction to Business Analysis
  • Role and responsibilities of a Business Analyst
  • Key skills and competencies
  • Overview of tools and technologies
3. SQL for Business Analysis
  • What is a Database?
  • Types of Databases
  • DBMS vs. RDBMS
  • DBMS Architecture
  • Normalization & Denormalization
  • Installing PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • Data Models
  • DBMS Language
  • ACID Properties in DBMS
  • SQL Data Types
  • SQL Operators and Keys
  • SQL Joins
  • Subqueries with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  • Views in SQL
  • SQL Set Operations and Types
  • SQL Functions and Triggers
  • Introduction to NoSQL Concepts
  • SQL vs. NoSQL
  • Database connection: SQL to Python
4. CRISP-ML(Q) Methodology
  • Defining business objectives
  • Assessing the current situation
  • Determining data mining goals
  • Producing project plans
  • Initial data collection
  • Data description
  • Data quality verification
  • Initial data exploration
  • Data cleaning
  • Data integration
  • Data transformation
  • Data reduction
  • Data discretization
5. Data Visualization and Tableau
  • Importance of data visualization
  • Principles and best practices
  • Overview of Tableau interface
  • Tableau architecture and components
  • Connecting to data sources
  • Basic visualizations: bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plots
  • Data extraction and blending
  • Advanced data manipulation
  • Creating different types of charts
  • Advanced chart techniques
  • Drill down and roll up features
  • Quick sort, sort from headers, legends, axis, toolbar
  • Sort by fields, nested sort
  • Dimension filters, measure filters, date filters, context filters
  • Creating and using groups, sets, and combined sets
  • Adding and customizing reference lines and bands
  • Dynamic parameters and parameter actions
  • Exponential smoothing technique
  • Clustering and other unsupervised learning techniques
  • Creating and using calculated fields
  • Quick table calculations
  • Level of Detail (LOD) expressions
  • Creating maps and geographical visualizations
  • Integrating R scripts with Tableau
  • Creating interactive dashboards
  • Using dashboard actions and stories
  • Preparation for Tableau certification exam
6. Power BI for Business Analysis
  • Overview of Power BI interface
  • Understanding Power BI architecture
  • Data import and transformation
  • Data cleaning and preparation
  • Understanding data cardinality
  • Creating data models
  • Basic DAX concepts and functions
  • Creating calculated columns and measures
  • Basic and advanced visualizations
  • Customizing visualizations
  • Creating and managing dashboards
  • Best practices for dashboard design
  • Using advanced visualization techniques
  • Creating interactive and dynamic visuals
  • Sharing and collaborating with others
  • Implementing security features
7. Advanced Excel for Business Analysis
  • Integrating ChatGPT with Excel
  • Using ChatGPT for data analysis tasks
  • Descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Calculating and interpreting business moments
  • Creating and using graphical techniques
  • Entering and editing text and formulas
  • Working with basic Excel functions
  • Formatting data in an Excel worksheet
  • Creating basic charts
  • Pivot tables and pivot charts
  • Conditional, lookup, and text-based functions
  • Using data validation techniques
  • Analyzing data with pivot tables and charts
  • Using goal seek, data tables, and scenario manager
  • Understanding and creating macros
  • Using VBA for automation
  • Working with VBA forms and controls
8. Case Studies and Practical Applications
  • Real-world business analysis scenarios
  • Applying tools and techniques learned
  • Comprehensive project involving SQL, CRISP-ML(Q), Tableau, Excel, and Power BI
  • Presentation and peer review
9. Soft Skills for Business Analysts
  • Effective communication strategies
  • Presentation skills for business analysts
  • Basic project management principles
  • Tools and techniques for managing projects

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Tools Covered
business analytics using python course in malaysoa
business analytics using r programming course in USA
business analytics using r studio programming course in USA
business analytics using tableau course in USA
How We Prepare You
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Additional Assignments of over 140 hours
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Live Free Webinars
  • Business Analytics training in USA
    Resume and LinkedIn Review Sessions
  • Business Analytics institute in USA
    3 Month Access to LMS
  • Business Analytics certification in USA
    24/7 Support
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Job Assistance in Business Analytics Fields
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Complimentary Courses
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Unlimited Mock Interview and Quiz Session
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Hands-on Experience in a Live Project
  • Business Analytics course in USA
    Life Time Free Access to Industry Webinars

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Business Analytics Panel of Coaches

Business Analytics trainers

Bharani Kumar Depuru

  • Areas of expertise: Data analytics, Digital Transformation, Industrial Revolution 4.0
  • Over 18+ years of professional experience
  • Trained over 2,500 professionals from eight countries
  • Corporate clients include Deloitte, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Amazon, Tech Mahindra, Cummins, Accenture, IBM
  • Professional certifications - PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP from Project Management Institute, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Tableau Certified Associate, Certified Scrum Practitioner, (DSDM Atern)
  • Alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad and Indian School of Business
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Business Analytics trainers

Sharat Chandra Kumar

  • Areas of expertise: Data sciences, Machine learning, Business intelligence and Data Visualization
  • Trained over 1,500 professional across 12 countries
  • Worked as a Data scientist for 18+ years across several industry domains
  • Professional certifications: Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belt, Information Technology Infrastructure Library
  • Experienced in Big Data Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, NewSQL, MongoDB, Python, Tableau, Cognos
  • Corporate clients include DuPont, All-Scripts, Girnarsoft (College-, Car-) and many more
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Business Analytics trainers

Bhargavi Kandukuri

  • Business Analytics, Quality Management, Data Visualization with Tableau, COBOL, CICS, DB2 and JCL.
  • Electronics and communications engineer with over 19+ years of industry experience
  • Senior Tableau developer, with experience in analytics solutions development in domains such as retail, clinical and manufacturing
  • Trained over 750+ professionals across the globe in three years
  • Worked with Infosys Technologies, iGate, Patni Global Solutions as technology analyst
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business analytics certification course


Gain industry recognition for niche skills with the Professional Certification in Business Analytics. The certificate illustrates your ability to extract actionable insights from business data for improved decision - making.

Alumni Speak

Nur Fatin

"Coming from a psychology background, I was looking for a Data Science certification that can add value to my degree. The 360DigiTMG program has such depth, comprehensiveness, and thoroughness in preparing students that also looks into the applied side of Data Science."

"I'm happy to inform you that after 4 months of enrolling in a Professional Diploma in Full Stack Data Science, I have been offered a position that looks into applied aspects of Data Science and psychology."

Nur Fatin

Associate Data Scientist

Thanujah Muniandy

"360DigiTMG has an outstanding team of educators; who supported and inspired me throughout my Data Science course. Though I came from a statistical background, they've helped me master the programming skills necessary for a Data Science job. The career services team supported my job search and, I received two excellent job offers. This program pushes you to the next level. It is the most rewarding time and money investment I've made-absolutely worth it.”

Thanujah Muniandy

Ann Nee, Wong

"360DigiTMG’s Full Stack Data Science programme equips its graduates with the latest skillset and technology in becoming an industry-ready Data Scientist. Thanks to this programme, I have made a successful transition from a non-IT background into a career in Data Science and Analytics. For those who are still considering, be bold and take the first step into a domain that is filled with growth and opportunities.”

Ann Nee, Wong

Mohd Basri

"360DigiTMG is such a great place to enhance IR 4.0 related skills. The best instructor, online study platform with keen attention to all the details. As a non-IT background student, I am happy to have a helpful team to assist me through the course until I have completed it.”

Mohd Basri

Ashner Novilla

"I think the Full Stack Data Science Course overall was great. It helped me formalize and think more deeply about ways to tackle the projects from a Data Science perspective. Also, I was remarkably impressed with the instructors, specifically their ability to make complicated concepts seem very simple."

"The instructors from 360DigiTMG were great and it showed how they engaged with all the students even in a virtual setting. Additionally, all of them are willing to help students even if they are falling behind. Overall, a great class with great instructors. I will recommend this to upcoming deal professionals going forward.”

Ashner Novilla


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Our Alumni

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FAQs for Business Analytics in USA

After you have completed the classroom sessions, you will receive assignments through the online Learning Management System that you can access at your convenience. You will need to complete the assignments in order to obtain your data scientist certificate.

There are plenty of jobs available for data professionals. Once you complete the training, assignments, and live projects, we will send your resume to the organizations with whom we have formal agreements on job placements.

We also conduct webinars to help you with your resume and job interviews. We cover all aspects of post-training activities that are required to get a successful placement.

If you miss a class, we will arrange for a recording of the session. You can then access it through the online Learning Management System.

We assign mentors to each student in this programme. Additionally, during the mentorship session, if the mentor feels that you require additional assistance, you may be referred to another mentor or trainer.

No, the cost of the certificate is included in the programme package.

Jobs in the Field of Business Analytics in USA

Jobs in the Field of Business Analytics in USA

When it comes to Business Analytics there are many career opportunities available like Management Analyst/Consultant, Data Analyst/Scientist, Business Intelligence Analyst, Program and Marketing Manager, Big Data Analytics Specialist, Market Research Analyst, etc.

Salaries in USA for Business Analytics

Salaries in USA for Business Analytics

If you are good at analytical thinking then a career in analytics will prove exciting. A Business Analyst with an experience of 1-2 years gets around $86,312 per year and a senior business analyst with more than 10 years of experience gets $10,113 per year.

Business Analytics Projects in USA

Business Analytics Projects in USA

A project in Business Analytics can provide more authority and help increase profile value. One can work on data clusters and perform Exploratory Data Analysis to find patterns, or build a chatbot, or perform sentiment analysis to predict the behavior of the customer.

Role of Open Source Tools in Business Analytics

Role of Open Source Tools in Business Analytics

There are many open-source tools that we will cover in this course like R, RStudio, Python, and Tableau. These tools come in handy while performing data mining, data modeling, handling text data, creating data visualization, etc.

Modes of training for Business Analytics

Modes of Training in Business Analytics

The course in the USA is designed to suit the needs of students as well as working professionals. We at 360DigiTMG give our students the option of both classroom and online learning. We also support e-learning as part of our curriculum.

Industry Application of Business Analytics

Industry Applications of Business Analytics in USA

Businesses today have built a winning global strategy by capitalizing on Business Analytics and there is a demand for effective and faster accessibility of data across industries. Industries like healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, banking, and biotechnology are using the power of data analytics.

Companies That Trust Us

360DigiTMG offers customised corporate training programmes that suit the industry-specific needs of each company. Engage with us to design continuous learning programmes and skill development roadmaps for your employees. Together, let’s create a future-ready workforce that will enhance the competitiveness of your business.


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