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Home / Data Engineering & Cloud Technologies / Professional Course in AI and Data Engineering
"A recent market survey noted that by 2030 AI is estimated to contribute $16.1 trillion to the global economy, with 133 million jobs. Artificial Intelligence when coupled with Data Engineering is a great combination in the market with potentially high-paying jobs. The same survey also pointed out that 50 percent of human jobs will be taken by AI, leaving a huge demand for AI specialists. In the past decade, AI jobs have exponentially grown. The report also states that requirements for AI skills have drastically doubled in the last three years, with job openings in the domain up to 119%.
INR 85,000 77,500
Our dual certification program in AI and Data Engineering gives you a good understanding of concepts of mathematics, statistics, calculus, linear algebra, and probability. With a deep knowledge of Data Mining and the use of Regression Analysis methods in Data Mining. How python is designed and is used to enable Data Mining, Machine Learning are also dealt with in detail. The use of NLP libraries and OpenCV to code machine learning algorithms are detailed Prime focus is on Machine Learning, deep learning, and neural networks. Feedforward and backward propagation in neural networks are described at length. The deployment of the Activation function, Loss function, the non-linear activation function is elaborated. A thorough analysis of Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), GANs, Reinforcement Learning, and Q learning is also facilitated in this course.
After the digitization of many organizations data has become a valuable asset. AI and Data Engineering are great career choices with promising career growth. With apt knowledge of cutting edge tools and understanding of where to use them is a pro while looking for a job. With individual attention provided by the experts at 360DigiTMG, the students are trained to handle the Data Engineering and AI challenges they will be facing in the job effectively. Data Engineering and AI are not single industry domains as any industry in need of AI solutions or deals with data needs AI and Data Engineers. Well, the main areas are namely: Medical Science and Artificial Intelligence professionals are in demand are Medicine, Space, Robotics, Automation, Marketing, Information management, Military activities, and many more. The primary objective of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering is to deliver skilled professionals by providing quality training, guiding them to implement and gain hands-on experience.
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This course will be the first stepping stone towards Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. In this module, you will be introduced to the analytics programming languages. R is a statistical programming language and Python is a general-purpose programming language. These are the most popular tools currently being employed to churn data for deriving meaningful insights.
Different packages can be used to build Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence models, such as Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, and PyTorch. You will learn more about these packages and their applications in detail.
Tensorflow and Keras libraries can be used to build Machine Learning and Deep Learning models. OpenCV is used for image processing and PyTorch is highly useful when you have no idea how much memory will be required for creating a Neural Network Model.
Understand the types of Machine Learning Algorithms. Learn about the life cycle and the detailed understanding of each step involved in the project life cycle. The CRISP-DM process is applied in general for Data Analytics /AI projects. Learn about CRISP-DM and the stages of the project life cycle in-depth.
You will also learn different types of data, Data Collection, Data Preparation, Data Cleansing, Feature Engineering, EDA, Data Mining and various Error Functions. Understand about imbalanced data handling techniques and algorithms.
Maximize or minimize the error rate using Calculus. Learn to find the best fit line using the linear least-squares method. Understand the gradient method to find the minimum value of a function where a closed-form of the solution is not available or not easily obtained.
Under Linear Algebra, you will learn sets, function, scalar, vector, matrix, tensor, basic operations and different matrix operations. Under Probability one will learn about Uniform Distribution, Normal Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Discrete Random Variable, Cumulative Distribution Function and Continuous Random Variables.
You will have a high-level understanding of the human brain, importance of multiple layers in the Neural Network, extraction of features layers wise, composition of the data in Deep Learning using an image, speech and text.
You will briefly understand feature extraction using SIFT/HOG for images, Speech recognition and feature extraction using MFCC and NLP feature extraction using parse tree syntactic.
Introduction to neurons, which are connected to weighted inputs, threshold values, and an output. You will understand the importance of weights, bias, summation and activation functions.
Learn about single-layered Perceptrons, Rosenblatt’s perceptron for weights and bias updation. You will understand the importance of learning rate and error. Walkthrough a toy example to understand the perceptron algorithm. Learn about the quadratic and spherical summation functions. Weights updating methods - Windrow-Hoff Learning Rule & Rosenblatt’s Perceptron.
Understand the difference between perception and MLP or ANN. Learn about error surface, challenges related to gradient descent and the practical issues related to deep learning. You will learn the implementation of MLP on MNIST dataset - multi-class problem, IMDB dataset - binary classification problem, Reuters dataset - single labelled multi-class classification problem and Boston Housing dataset - Regression Problem using Python and Keras.
You will learn image processing techniques, noise reduction using moving average methods, different types of filters - smoothing the image by averaging, Gaussian filter and the disadvantages of correlation filters. You will learn about different types of filters, boundary effects, template matching, rate of change in the intensity detection, different types of noise, image sampling and interpolation techniques.
Convolution Neural Networks are the class of Deep Learning networks which are mostly applied on images. You will learn about ImageNet challenge, an overview on ImageNet winning architectures, applications of CNN, problems of MLP with the huge dataset.
You will understand convolution of filter on images, basic structure on the convent, details about Convolution layer, Pooling layer, Fully Connected layer, Case study of AlexNet and few of the practical issues of CNN.
You will be able to build the models using Faster RCNN and YOLO. Understand why fast YOLO is a better choice while dealing with object detection. You will also be able to understand the model optimization using OpenVINO
Understand the language models for next word prediction, spell check, mobile auto-correct, speech recognition, and machine translation. You will learn the disadvantages of traditional models and MLP. Deep understanding of the architecture of RNN, RNN language model, backpropagation through time, types of RNN - one to one, one to many, many to one and many to many along with different examples for each type.
Understand and implement Long Short-Term Memory, which is used to keep the information intact, unless the input makes them forget. You will also learn the components of LSTM - cell state, forget gate, input gate and the output gate along with the steps to process the information. Learn the difference between RNN and LSTM, Deep RNN and Deep LSTM and different terminologies. You will apply LSTM to build models for prediction.
Gated Recurrent Unit, a variant of LSTM solves this problem in RNN. You will learn the components of GRU and the steps to process the information.
You will learn something beyond the sequential models, learn to inspect and monitor deep learning models using Keras call-backs and TensorBorad.
You will understand the advancements in LSTMs, learn about the language translation models, attention mechanism, transformer architecture and its implementation.
Learn to Build a chatbot using generative models and retrieval models. We will understand RASA open-source and BERT to build chatbots.
Learn to Build a speech to text and text to speech models. You will understand the steps to extract the structured speech data from a speech, convert that into text. Later use the unstructured text data to convert into speech.
You will learn Q-learning which is a type of reinforcement learning, exploiting using the creation of a Q table, randomly selecting an action using exploring and steps involved in learning a task by itself.
You will learn about the components of Autoencoders, steps used to train the autoencoders to generate spatial vectors, types of autoencoders and generation of data using variational autoencoders. Understanding the architecture of RBM and the process involved in it.
Understanding the generation of data using GAN, the architecture of the GAN - encoder and decoder, loss calculation and backpropagation, advantages and disadvantages of GAN.
Understand the unsupervised neural network models and the process involved in it.
Learn the tools which automatically analyzes your data and generates candidate model pipelines customized for your predictive modeling problem.
Learn the methods and techniques which can explain the results and the solutions obtained by using deep learning algorithms.
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With the advancement of AI, there is always a high cry about AI snatching all the jobs away, at the same time it has opened a new portal for AI engineers in the market. Corporate giants like Google, Microsoft are convening ethical committees to overlook the AI progress for human welfare. Data is the most valuable asset and many companies are working with AI in managing data. To work hand-in-hand with Data Science and AI applications it has become vital for the new age of Data Engineers to have a piece of good knowledge about both Data Science and AI. As the shift has only started it is estimated to grow in the coming years, while increasing the demand for IT professionals with both Data Engineering and AI expertise.
AI platforms are dominating fields like- finance, Medicine, Health care, consumer care. In the future, AI will be the first choice in the public cloud computing market. And cloud providers like Google, AWS, and Microsoft will increase their AI cloud portfolio. We will also be observing a great shift in real-time analytics that will help the companies understand important patterns and take profit-driven decisions. A similar development can also be seen in the areas of IoT. Patent Analytics, Earning Transcripts, and market sizing tools.
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Alumni Speak
"The training was organised properly, and our instructor was extremely conceptually sound. I enjoyed the interview preparation, and 360DigiTMG is to credit for my successful placement.”
Pavan Satya
Senior Software Engineer
"Although data sciences is a complex field, the course made it seem quite straightforward to me. This course's readings and tests were fantastic. This teacher was really beneficial. This university offers a wealth of information."
Chetan Reddy
Data Scientist
"The course's material and infrastructure are reliable. The majority of the time, they keep an eye on us. They actually assisted me in getting a job. I appreciated their help with placement. Excellent institution.”
Santosh Kumar
Business Intelligence Analyst
"Numerous advantages of the course. Thank you especially to my mentors. It feels wonderful to finally get to work.”
Kadar Nagole
"Excellent team and a good atmosphere. They truly did lead the way for me right away. My mentors are wonderful. The training materials are top-notch.”
Gowtham R
Data Engineer
"The instructors improved the sessions' interactivity and communicated well. The course has been fantastic.”
Wan Muhamad Taufik
Associate Data Scientist
"The instructors went above and beyond to allay our fears. They assigned us an enormous amount of work, including one very difficult live project. great location for studying.”
Venu Panjarla
AVP Technology
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After you have completed the online sessions, you will receive assignments through the online Learning Management System that you can access at your convenience. You will need to complete the assignments in order to obtain your data scientist certificate.
Different organisations use different terms for data professionals. You will sometimes find these terms being used interchangeably. Though there are no hard rules that distinguish one from another, you should get the role descriptions clarified before you join an organisation.
With growing demand, there is a scarcity of Data Science Professionals in the market. If you can demonstrate strong knowledge of Data Science concepts and algorithms, then there is a high chance for you to be able to make a career in this profession.
360DigiTMG provides internship opportunities through AiSPRY, our USA-based consulting partner, for deserving participants to help them gain real-life experience. This greatly helps students to bridge the gap between theory and practical.
While there are a number of roles pertaining to Data Professionals, most of the responsibilities overlap. However, the following are some basic job descriptions for each of these roles.
As a Data Analyst, you will be dealing with Data Cleansing, Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualisation, among other functions. The functions pertain more to the use and analysis of historical data for understanding the current state.
As a Data Scientist, you will be building algorithms to solve business problems using statistical tools such as Python, R, SAS, STATA, Matlab, Minitab, KNIME, Weka etc. A Data Scientist also performs predictive modelling to facilitate proactive decision-making.
A Data Engineer primarily does programming using Spark, Python, R etc. It often compliments the role of a Data Scientist.
A Data Architect has a much broader role that involves establishing the hardware and software infrastructure needed for an organisation to perform Data Analysis. They help in selecting the right database, servers, network architecture, GPUs, cores, memory, hard disk etc.
In this blended programme, you will be attending 300 hours of online sessions of 6 months. After completion, you will have access to the online Learning Management System for another three months for recorded videos and assignments. The total duration of assignments to be completed online is 300+ hour. Besides this, you will be working on 2+2 live projects.
There are plenty of jobs available for data professionals. Once you complete the training, assignments and the live projects, we will send your resume to the organisations with whom we have formal agreements on job placements.
We also conduct webinars to help you with your resume and job interviews. We cover all aspects of post-training activities that are required to get a successful placement.
If you miss a class, we will arrange for a recording of the session. You can then access it through the online Learning Management System.
We assign mentors to each student in this programme. Additionally, during the mentorship session, if the mentor feels that you require additional assistance, you may be referred to another mentor or trainer.
No, the cost of the certificate is included in the programme package.
AI has a great influence in today’s industry, creating a wide spectrum of artificial intelligence career paths. An average growth rate of an AI expert is 74%. Al prevails in education, healthcare, agriculture. For grabbing a job in the AI field, you need to master the skills such as Python, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Machine Learning, and a few more. Some big companies like Aditya Birla are giving a 200 % hike if you complete a professional course in AI and Data Engineering.
AI itself has varied job roles and each job role has its pay package. An entry-level AI salary in India for almost 40 percent is Rs6,00,000 per annum while mid and senior-level AI salary is 50,00,000.
AI is growing multifold along with Data, to manage and untangle the nonsense data and to make data beneficial both government and private sectors have outsourced many projects. The majority of these projects are undertaken by multinational companies, with a lookout for AI and Data Engineering experts.
360DigiTMG offers customised corporate training programmes that suit the industry-specific needs of each company. Engage with us to design continuous learning programmes and skill development roadmaps for your employees. Together, let’s create a future-ready workforce that will enhance the competitiveness of your business.
Student Voices
I've reached a major milestone in my Data Analytics internship with 360DigiTMG. With guidance from experienced mentors, they’ve really helped me get closer to reaching my goals. Embrace the valuable knowledge and skills gained and continue leveraging this opportunity to excel in the dynamic field of data analytics.
I'm Sai Manikanta, delighted to share my internship journey at 360DigiTMG. This internship has been a great opportunity for me to expand my limits and gain new skills. Diverse activities provided profound insights, shaping a promising future. Grateful for this opportunity, I eagerly anticipate forthcoming outcomes.
The data analytics program was truly outstanding! The meticulously structured classes and enthusiastic instructors made learning both enjoyable and engaging. With this extensive knowledge at my disposal, I am not only confident but also eager to make significant strides in the field of data analytics.
One of the best institutes for training in Hyderabad. I am done with the Data science and Machine Learning course here. Trainers are highly educational and instructive. Invaluable experience gained through live projects, enhancing technical familiarity. Additional value provided through helpful working sessions further enriches the learning journey.
The teacher and staff are highly skilled at their jobs. They teach in a way that's easy to understand and interesting. They know a lot about the subject, so learning from them is great. The teacher plans everything well and explains hard stuff with lots of examples using Excel.
It was a wonderful experience for me as an intern to work in 360digitmg. This internship had made me become an expert in the field of data analytics which had greatly motivated me and Working with real-time datasets provided invaluable experience, enhancing my skills significantly.
It was an awesome experience at 360Digitmg, offering the best resources and fostering excellent interaction. Working on real-life projects under expert supervision provided invaluable learning opportunities. Overall, it was a highly rewarding learning experience that contributed significantly to my growth and career advancement.
I found a great coaching institute in Chennai for data-related courses. I completed a successful data analytics program there. The trainers were skilled and supportive, especially Vijay, who made learning Python easy. Thanks to him and 360DigiTMG. I also learned Data Analytics with SQL, Tableau, and Excel.
360DigiTMG institute offers an exceptional learning experience, excelling in data science and machine learning. Despite lacking coding background, tutors ensured effective learning, making concepts easily understandable. Tutorial sessions covered job interview prep and case studies, with Mind maps boosting confidence. Highly recommend this Bangalore institute for data-related courses.
Excited for upcoming internships, confident in my improved skills from the program. Explored new territories and gained invaluable experience. Ready to apply newfound knowledge and continue growing in future opportunities. Grateful for the journey so far, eager for what's ahead.
360DigiTMG institute offers one place where the course curriculum is so good and teacher training, equipping students with skills for their dream job. Grateful for the internship experience, including live projects, resume building, presentation practice, and interview preparation sessions. Enhanced confidence for future interviews. Thank you, 360DigiTMG, for the invaluable learning journey.
The data analytics with python course in the best coaching centre in Chennai. Finished the course well and worked on practical tasks. This helped me build my professional experience. By participating in interview preparation and project presentation sessions, I realized that I could present myself confidently to an interview.
During my internship at 360DigiTMG, I gained invaluable experience, expanding my knowledge significantly. The opportunity provided a rich learning environment, fostering personal and professional growth. Grateful for the wonderful experience and the skills acquired, which will undoubtedly shape my future endeavours.
Great institute! Exceptional learning experience, especially in data science and machine learning. Tutors adeptly simplified complex concepts despite my coding limitations. Varied tutorial sessions prepared us for job interviews with insightful case studies. Mind maps boosted confidence. Highly recommend this Bangalore-based institute for data-related courses.
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