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Everything You Need to Know About Data Science

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Meet the Author : Mr. Bharani Kumar

Bharani Kumar Depuru is a well known IT personality from Hyderabad. He is the Founder and Director of Innodatatics Pvt Ltd and 360DigiTMG. Bharani Kumar is an IIT and ISB alumni with more than 17 years of experience, he held prominent positions in the IT elites like HSBC, ITC Infotech, Infosys, and Deloitte. He is a prevalent IT consultant specializing in Industrial Revolution 4.0 implementation, Data Analytics practice setup, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Industrial IoT, Business Intelligence and Business Management. Bharani Kumar is also the chief trainer at 360DigiTMG with more than Ten years of experience and has been making the IT transition journey easy for his students. 360DigiTMG is at the forefront of delivering quality education, thereby bridging the gap between academia and industry.

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What is Data Science?

The globe is currently seeing an unprecedented surge of data. Data is getting bigger every second because to the internet's growth and the increasing number of virtual changes in industries like business, education, finance, and content production. Previously, the main issue was how to store this enormous amount of data. However, a wide range of platforms and network providers have been developed to address this storage-related issue. What can be done with the quantity of data that is still available has recently become more important than filling the gap, and this is where data science enters the picture.

Everything you need to know about data science

Data Science: A Definition

Essentially, Data Science is the analysis of data. This analysis is geared towards understanding the data, its origin, and its real-time implications. All this information could then be used to pass judgment, make predictions and decisions in business to attain success and viability.

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Data Science

Does Business Need Data Science or not?

Businesses may benefit greatly from Data Science's features. Prior until today, the data that was available on a wide range of topics was restricted and organised. With the growth of the internet and the countless websites, links, and information it contains, there has now been a data explosion. This leads to a profusion of semi-structured or completely unstructured material that is widely disseminated. It may be a possible issue for the majority of firms and result in a situation where there are vast volumes of data but no means to use them.

By offering sophisticated tools capable of managing massive volumes of data from emails, social media feeds, and a variety of other sources, data science closes this gap. As a result, it may provide organisations a better and more structured network of information that is specific to their target market.

Thus, it might be claimed that data science is a vital topic that should help both large and small enterprises and organisations. But the issue still stands: Is it truly necessary?

The need for data science as a field cannot be overstated for the reasons listed below.

Everything you need to know about data science

Below are some reasons why the need for Data Science, as a field, cannot be overemphasized.

  1. The developments in AI and IoT tools have led to the invention and creation of more smart materials like smartwatches and driverless cars. Data Science allows these tools of Artificial Intelligence to make more informed decisions through access to a wide range of data. Driverless cars and robotics, although unable to think for themselves as humans do, can be equipped to make more effective and generally beneficial decisions of when to stop, things to do, when to turn and the best route to take, to mention but a few. They are able to do these through the amount of information garnered via sensors, cameras, videos, map searches, and so on.

  2. Data Science also makes predictive analytics more precise. One of the ways that data science aids organisations in problem-solving and maximising customer pleasure is through its capacity to forecast. Data Science, for instance, helps organisations by forecasting things like weather and potential dangers from natural catastrophes using data from buoys, ships, land-based stations, aeroplanes, and satellites. With this knowledge, organisations are better equipped to prepare ahead and, to the greatest extent feasible, prevent or minimise damages from such scenarios.

  3. Product recommendations is another way through which Data Science is contributing to businesses. It existed in traditional business prototypes, allowing the businesses to be able to offer products and services based on the users browsing history. However, Data Science takes it a step further by analyzing a much larger range of data and offering clients more specific recommendations related to them.

    Everything you need to know about data science

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Data Science Versus Business Intelligence

Offering intelligence in connection to business is exactly what the phrase "business intelligence" indicates. In plain English, it is the utilisation of external or internal company data history to identify business patterns and aid the business owner in developing more well-informed judgements.

Evidently, given the description provided above, it makes sense if the terms business intelligence and data science are used interchangeably. They are not the same thing, though. The latter uses historical and current data to forecast particular outcomes and requirements in the future.

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Intelligence and Data Science are used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing. The latter makes use of data both past and present to predict specific outcomes and needs in the future. To better illustrate their differences, take note of the table below:

It makes use of structured data such as SQL database and Excel files, to mention but a few It utilizes structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data such as mails, rich media, surveillance, and social media activity, and so on
It focuses on past and present data It is premised on a focus on the present and future data
It makes use of statistics and visuals Involves the use of Machine Learning, Data Analytics, statistics, and graph analysis, to mention but a few
It engages the use of tools like Microsoft Bl, QlikView, and R Examples of tools used are BigML, Weka, RapidMiner, and R

Everything you need to know about data science

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Data Science Versus Data Analytics

Data is presently being produced at an incredible rate and has become of the highest significance in the globe. This data is being added to every hour by billions of individuals across the globe. Therefore, it is more important than ever to employ the right tools to analyse and comprehend this data in an efficient manner. Similar to the example above, data science and data analytics are both linked to data analysis and may be used interchangeably. However, as seen in the table below, they approach data extremely differently.

For its input, it strongly relies on structured data. It is mostly made up of crude and unstructured data that is first processed and organized before it can be sent to data analytics.
It is mostly used for predictive functions in fields like tourism, travel, healthcare, and banking or finance institutions, amongst others. It is largely used on a recommendation basis in fields like Digital Marketing, SEO functions, internet research and recognition of speech patterns or images.
This scope is micro in nature. Its scope is macro in nature.
Is used to solve already existing problems the best way possible Is used to find problems yet unknown and target innovative means of solving them.

Why should you Build a Career in Data Science?

The necessity for data science is demonstrated in each of the aforementioned headings and subheadings across a range of industries and firms, but why should you give it any thought?

After reading that, do you even know what a data scientist is?

Let's fix that, then.

Who is a Data Scientist?

A Data Scientist is someone who is trained to use a variety of data processing tools to find the problems within a business, with the aim of solving them. That is, he or she gets data on the different aspects of the business, organizes them, analyses them, and makes strategies out of them used to provide answers to the problems in the business. Due to the extensive amount of data involved, Data Scientists are also good at creating complex algorithms and creating a synergy of varied clusters of data.

They accomplish all of this while keeping the social and leadership abilities necessary to connect with others in the company beyond the numbers. What are the top six characteristics that a data scientist should possess? A crazy imagination, solid statistical knowledge, outstanding communication skills, technical proficiency, inventiveness, and problem-solving abilities are all required.

What are the Essential Skills Needed to be a Data Scientist?

As a Data Scientist, there are a set of skills you must have in your background to handle the terrain effectively. It is quite important for you to be tech-savvy; it would also be a plus if you have a good knowledge of business and do not hate mathematics. The knowledge and expertise in these different fields will help you do very well in the Data Science field to a large extent, hence, their importance.

  1. Mathematical Skills:

    Comprehending mathematics is essential for utilising and applying the tools appropriately as well as for comprehending data science. The majority of people believe that statistics is the sole skill required for data scientists. Although statistics play a significant part in the area, it is incorrect to believe that it is the sole ability required. Data scientists would need to develop, examine, and work on complicated algorithms as well as participate in quantitative forms, all of which require a solid foundation in mathematics.

  2. Business Skills:

    How do you offer business solutions from raw data if you have no idea of the business itself? To a large extent, Data Scientists relate with a wide range of data but they also have to understand the business for which the data is being used and be able to communicate the strategies they have in mind to the business owners and teams in the organization. They play a critical role in the success of any business and, thus, should have a wide knowledge of business, alongside boast a strong business acumen. Data Scientists must understand business even though they are called Scientists.

  3. Technology Skills:

    Data scientists would be required to use several technical devices and programmes. Numerous technical tools that the data scientist should be familiar with have been highlighted in the discussion above. In other words, the Data Scientist should have a strong technical background, be able to code, and be able to resolve any technical challenges that may come while using programmes like SQL, R, Python, and Java, among others. Such a person would be at a disadvantage and do those for whom they work a disservice if they were unable to do these tasks.

    Everything you need to know about data science

Other Roles Existent in the field of Data Science

The Data Science field is not restricted to the Data Scientist alone. We have tried to explain Data Science, its importance to businesses, who a Data Scientist is and the skill sets needed to do the job effectively. However, apart from the Data Scientist, there are other professionals who work in this field.

  1. Data Engineer: This person is responsible for managing the infrastructure of the current data. These people frequently utilise ETL tools, Spark, NLTK, Tableau, Apache Hadoop, and Scala, among other technologies. Large amounts of data may be managed, arranged, and processed using these before being sent to data scientists to analyse.
  2.  These teams of experts gather data and analyse it in order to give businesses answers, solutions, and outcomes. In essence, they are in a unique position to serve as a connection between the business world and the world of technology and data. Through communication, they bring about balance and supply the necessary answers.

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How Can Become a Data Scientist, Engineer, or Analyst?

Given the requirements and abilities listed above, some individuals believe that only mathematicians or those with doctoral degrees can be data scientists. That is untrue. A Data Scientist can be anyone with the fundamental abilities, a grasp of the tasks at hand, and familiarity with the majority of the tools. While having schooling in a certain profession may be advantageous, it is not always required. Data science, after all, is interdisciplinary and not just confined to one area.

Top Tools to take note of in Data Science

  1. MATLAB:

    This is a tool used in technical and complicated computing. It can be used for testing, processing, organizing, and measuring data. It is quite popular amongst Data Scientists and can be used to solve problems in Deep Learning and Machine Learning technicalities.

  2. TensorFlow:

    TensorFlow is another tool used in data science. The usage of it in sophisticated algorithms like Deep Learning and Machine Learning is well recognised. It is highly regarded for its processing skills, which help with accurate sound and picture identification.

  3. SAS:

    For analysis of data, this software is widely used. It has its own programming language and uses this to breakdown statistics and create models. It is valued for its aid in organizing data.

  4. BigML:

    The core of BigML is the processing and analysis of Machine Learning. As it is seen to be highly easy to use and maintain, it is employed in mobile devices and IoT developments. It provides a platform for the development, sharing, and fusion of data and models.

  5. Apache Spark:

    One major go-to for large scale data processing would be this software. This is because it is designed for both batch processing and stream processing. Spark was originally created to provide an upgraded version of Hadoop. It is able to make precise predictions and process real-time and large scale data.

  6. Tableau:

    This programme for interactive data visualisation. It can link to many processing programmes, databases, and spreadsheets. Even without much coding and technical understanding, it is simple to grasp. The initiatives relating to business intelligence are best suited for it since it helps to simplify data from its organised form.

  7. Scikit-learn:

    Machine Learning characteristics such as dimensionality reduction, clustering, regression, and so on are supported using this tool. The software makes it easier to process complicated Machine Learning algorithms. It is also relatively easy to install, learn, understand, and use.

  8. Matplotlib:

    Matplotlib was used to visualise NASA's visual data on the Phoenix Spacecraft's arrival on Mars. This programme is a favourite among data scientists. It is a Python-based plotting and visualisation toolkit used to build graphs from assessed data. The Pyplot module, which is open-sourced and provides a solid alternative to MATLAB despite being similar in interface and function, is the most often used one. It is also highly beneficial and enables the building of complicated graphs using straightforward scripts.

  9. NLTK:

    The letters stand for Natural Language Processing Toolkit and are a collection of libraries in Python. It works with human language data and is used to build statistical models and algorithms through which machines can understand human language. In other words, it is used to build programs that can be used for text analysis.

  10. Excel:

    Excel is a well-known utility from Microsoft Word for data visualisation and well-structured spreadsheets. Even if it doesn't handle massive volumes of data, it is still useful for computations, data analysis, processing, and organisation, to name a few. To do additional tasks easily, it may be integrated to other programmes like SQL. It is simple to use and comprehend. It most closely resembles the most popular data analysis tool.

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